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Showing posts from August, 2022

Here's 70 to 90% off Ubersuggest

When I started in marketing I couldn't afford a lot of the tools out there. So I wanted to create a tool that everyone could use no matter what size business they had or where they were in their marketing journey. So I created Ubersuggest. But today I want to make things even better for you. Here is up to 90% off of Ubersuggest . You can pay for Ubersuggest once and never get billed again, but keep using all the premium features with our lifetime plan. And if you aren't happy, there is a 30 day money back guarantee. Make sure you redeem the promo while it lasts. As a heads up, we have added a ton of features such as an AI writer, SEO recommendations using our AI technology, a new visual keyword research tool... and the list goes on and on. What's cool about the promo is you can get a massive discount on the monthly option or even better you can just pay for the tool once with the lifetime plan and never get charged again. Check out the offer . Cheers, Neil...

Hate subscriptions? Here's 70 to 90% off Ubersuggest

When I started in marketing I couldn't afford a lot of the tools out there. So I wanted to create a tool that everyone could use no matter what size business they had or where they were in their marketing journey. So I created Ubersuggest. But today I want to make things even better for you. Here is up to 90% off of Ubersuggest . You can pay for Ubersuggest once and never get billed again, but keep using all the premium features with our lifetime plan. And if you aren't happy, there is a 30 day money back guarantee. Make sure you redeem the promo while it lasts. As a heads up, we have added a ton of features such as an AI writer, SEO recommendations using our AI technology, a new visual keyword research tool... and the list goes on and on. What's cool about the promo is you can get a massive discount on the monthly option or even better you can just pay for the tool once with the lifetime plan and never get charged again. Check out the offer . Cheers, Neil...

The Easiest Way to Make a WordPress Blog SEO Friendly

The chances are, you are using WordPress... But I bet that your WordPress blog doesn't get the traffic you want because it doesn't rank as high. Check out this 3-minute video . It teaches you how to make your WordPress blog friendly... I bet you aren't doing what is described in the video. It's the big mistake that bloggers make that a plugin can't fix. Cheers, Neil Patel PS: Here are 7 nifty marketing techniques you should try . PPS: Here's what Jimmy Fallon taught me about marketing . Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

200 Faktor Yang Dipakai Google Untuk Merangking Website Anda

Hi shirigaya, Kemungkinan besar Google menggunakan lebih dari 200 faktor dalam menentukan ranking sebuah website di mesin pencari mereka. Apa saja itu? Tentu saja kita tidak tahu secara pasti. Tapi berikut ini adalah 200 daftar faktor yang dipakai google dalam menentukan rangking sebuah website yang kami rangkum dari berbagai sumber maupun dari hasil percobaan kami sendiri. Beberapa diantaranya memang sudah terbukti, beberapa lagi masih menjadi spekulasi para pakar seo. Berikut daftar selengkapnya: 1. Umur domain Apakah umur domain berpengaruh pada SEO? Yak.. meskipun John Mueller dari Google sendiri ngomong "domain age helps nothing" tapi banyak para pelaku SEO yang percaya bahwa umur domain berpengaruh terhadap SEO. Termasuk saya sendiri juga mempercayainya. Kalau om shirigaya gimana? 2. Keyword muncul pada top level domain Yap... duluuuu hanya dengan menggunakan kata kunci di nama domain sudah bisa menaikan web Anda dengan sangat cepat ke...

Scared about a recession? This is my plan for it

I've seen a lot in my decades as a digital marketer. A lot of highs. A lot of lows. And enough recessions to notice some patterns. My main takeaway? Panicking is never a good idea (even if it seems like the only logical choice). I've seen tons of success stories involving brands doubling down on their marketing efforts, even in the choppiest of economic waters. Do you think Amazon was always the Amazon of today? Trust me—they looked a lot different pre-dot com bubble. And after the crash, they thrived. My company, NP Digital, has some strategies that have worked for brands of all different shapes and sizes in all sorts of different economic conditions. Simply put? We're built to weather the storm. Book a call with my team here , and we'll tell you how we do it. Cheers, Neil Patel Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

How to Use Google Trends to Help You With Your SEO

Google Trends is a powerful tool. Most marketers use it to see what's popular and what's not. But there is much more to it. You can actually use it to get more SEO love. Here's how . And if you haven't been using the other tools that Google offers, make sure you do so. They are all so powerful with tons of great data that can help you out. Cheers, Neil Patel PS: If you want my team to just do it for you, go here . Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

Tips Cara Menjual Lebih Cepat

Hi shirigaya, Saya yakin shirigaya sudah ahlinya kalau soal jual-menjual dan mungkin tips sederhana ala nyubi ini juga sudah diimplementasikan oleh mastah. Semoga aja belum ya hehe.... Tipsnya sederhana saja yaitu berbicara dengan calon konsumen/pembeli kita dengan bahasa mereka. Misalkan kalau calon pembeli atau target market kita ibu-ibu biasanya kita manggilnya sis, sista, dsb. Kalau kita tahu dimana calon pembeli kita tinggal kita bisa memakai bahasa daerah mereka (jika menguasai). Tentu dengan begitu calon customer akan merasa lebih dekat dengan kita. Misal lagi kalau kita mau menjual sparepart mobil, biasanya untuk memanggil orang lain menggunakan istilah om tante. Lalu bagaimana kita mengetahui calon customer kita? Bisa kita lihat saat mereka menanyakan produk kita melalui whatsapp misalnya. Misal mereka nanya "sis untuk baju yang model A itu berapa harganya?" Nah, nanti ngejawabnya tinggal kita make panggilan sis saja "ukhti untuk jil...

“Harus Tau”: The name “Harus Tau” is mentioned by someone in Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Harus, The name "Harus Tau" is mentioned by someone in Jakarta, Indonesia . View your Mentions ▸ This is not me   580 California St., Suite 400, San Francisco, CA, 94104 Unsubscribe    Privacy Policy    Terms of Service    © 2022 Academia                                                            

How to Get 1,000 Followers a Week on Instagram Organically

I've experimented a lot on Instagram. And I will tell you this... It's hard to get millions of followers and it's not easy to go viral. But it's not that hard to get thousands of followers a week and gain thousands of impressions and your videos and thousands of likes. Here is all the stuff that works well for Instagram . Follow it and you will see your numbers improve. Cheers, Neil Patel PS: Here are 7 free social media tools that you should check out . PPS: 7 actionable SEO tips that you should try . Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

How to Get Over 1 Million YouTube Subscribers (Like I Did)

The channel that brings in the most new customers to my ad agency is referrals. In which customers recommend other customers. The second most popular channel is SEO. And can you guess the third most popular channel for me is? It's YouTube. That's right... YouTube brings in a good amount of new customers even though my business is boring and I am not creating funny videos like Logan Paul. Here's how I got over 1 million subscribers on YouTube and here's how you can do it too . Give YouTube a shot, it works well as long as you follow the 11 steps I break down in my post. Cheers, Neil Patel Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

It's Tomorrow: Learn How to Skyrocket Your Paid ROI

Paid ads not generating enough ROI? You're probably not paying attention to the right KPIs. I can show you how to not only track the right metrics, but how to leverage your paid ads for sky-high ROI. I have 10 simple (but essential) tips that you can implement ASAP. Join my team, NP Digital, at 8am PST on 8/16 for our webinar: 10 Simple and Fast Ways to Increase Your Paid Media Profit Margins Now . Click the link below to register! See you then. Sign Up Now Cheers, Neil Patel Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

SEO For Beginners - The Easiest Way to Build Links

You need links whether you like it or not. Because the more you have, assuming they are high in quality and relevant, the higher you will rank. But you'll find that most strategies to obtain them don't work well. Such as emailing hundreds of sites begging for links... most people will just ignore you. So how do you get them? Here is the best approach , especially if you are just starting off. Cheers, Neil Patel PS: Follow this rule and you'll find that marketing will be easier. PPS: Why I speak at conferences for free when I used to charge $50k. Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

LIVE Webinar with 10 high-ROI Paid Media tips

Paid ads not generating enough ROI? You're probably not paying attention to the right KPIs. I can show you how to not only track the right metrics, but how to leverage your paid ads for sky-high ROI. I have 10 simple (but essential) tips that you can implement ASAP. Join my team, NP Digital, at 8am PST on 8/16 for our webinar: 10 Simple and Fast Ways to Increase Your Paid Media Profit Margins Now . Click the link below to register! See you then. Sign Up Now Cheers, Neil Patel Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

7 Marketing Lessons Learned from Billion Dollar Companies You've Never Heard Of

What's cool about owning an ad agency is you also get to learn from your clients. Even though I specialize in marketing, I also get to see what is working for others. What's interesting about my ad agency is we work with a lot of multi-billion dollar companies that most people haven't heard of. So the real question is if we haven't heard of these brands, how the heck did they get to be so big? Check out what I learned from a marketing perspective . Hope it helps you with your marketing. I made sure to focus on the the tactics that work for companies of all sizes. Cheers, Neil Patel Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

Why I Acquired Answer the Public

Marketing isn't the only way to grow your business. Acquisitions are another great approach. Earlier this year I bought a marketing tool called Answer the Public. You may be wondering what Answer the Public is or more importantly why I bought it... Well, here are the business and financial reasons why I bought it . I hope you can learn from my insights and replicate them for your business. Keep in mind that you can always give up equity in your company instead of paying cash when you are making an acquisition. Or you can negotiate a payment plan if you don't have a ton of cash. Cheers, Neil Patel PS: Here is my biggest marketing win . PPS: Check out this cool feature on Meta . Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178

Get 30% my exclusive search marketing course

Search marketing is scorching hot right now... and it's an extremely candidate-friendly job market. DMI is one of the best places to get certified (94% of their specialist graduates have found a job). What does that mean for you? It means that if you're looking to start your career in search, the best time is NOW. With 25+ hours worth of instruction and 6 months of access, my "Online Search Marketing Course" with the Digital Marketing Institute is an incredible way to jumpstart your journey in one of the hottest fields out there. We'll cover everything you need, including: SEO, paid search, demand generation, analytics, data visualization, developing a search strategy... My subscribers get a special 30% discount, valid for a limited time only, if they enroll now. Click the link below and let's grow together. SIGN UP NOW Cheers, Neil Patel Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 9710 River Trader St, Las Vegas, Nevada 89178 ...

What artwork caused a scandal in the church?

The Catholic Church does not like to talk about the infamous Banquet of Che World History · 2.7m followers My answers on World History here Bhushan , I speak two languages - English and Sarcasm. Posted Jul 29 What artwork caused a scandal in the church? The Catholic Church does not like to talk about the infamous Banquet of Chestnuts . Allegedly, on October 31 , 1501 , a truly filthy sex orgy took place at the pope's official ... Read More » Bhushan , I speak two languages - English and Sarcasm. Posted Jul 20 What was the Lebensborn programme of the Nazis? During the Hitler regime, there was a program called Lebensborn, Where "racially pure" women slept with SS officers for the purpose of having Aryan children. An estimated 200... Read More » Bhushan , I speak two langu...

“Tau, Harus”: The name “Tau, Harus” was mentioned in 9 papers recently found by Academia, including one written by Suprayogi, Danu

Dear Harus, The name "Tau, Harus" was mentioned in 9 papers recently found by Academia, including one written by Suprayogi, Danu. View your Mentions ▸ This is not me   580 California St., Suite 400, San Francisco, CA, 94104 Unsubscribe    Privacy Policy    Terms of Service    © 2022 Academia